I'm Savannah, Your Next Software Engineer

Want to see what I've been working on?
Take a peek around to learn more about myself and my work!

portfolio picture

Who I Am

I am a collaborative team player who values open communication and diverse perspectives. I believe that everyone has something unique to contribute to a community, and I aspire to be part of an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone can thrive. I am ambitious and driven by what can be done but hasn't been done yet.

Does that sound like you, too? Great! Let's do cool stuff togther.

What I Do

I am a full-stack developer, and I love learning how things work. You can often find me browsing docs to gain a better understanding of how something works. My favorite way to practice new skills is to build & create. Oh, and I kind of like to make it fun, so enjoy a peek into my personality as you explore my projects below!

blog landing page

Personal Blog

This is a blog made using Astro.

Tech Used

Astro, CSS, JavaScript
Blog content coming soon!

zenith dynamics landing page

Zenith Dynamics

This is a site-in-progress. Here's to learning in public!

Tech Used

For now, this is a frontend project with possibilities of becoming full stack. This has been so fun to build using new-to-me-CSS like CSS grid and clamp for font-size fluidity.

2d game portfolio

2D Game Portfolio

Click around or use arrow keys to move. Bump into objects to get to know more about me!

Tech Used

HTML, Javascript, Kaboom
Why not have fun and get to know someone at the same time?!

home page with login or signup for getting-things-done website

Getting Things Done

Log in to create your own to-do list (if you dare tracking what does or does not get done).

Tech Used

Bcrypt, EJS, Express, Express-Flash, Express-Session, MongoDB, Mongoose, Passport, Node, Bootstrap
This is a full-stack web application that uses local authentiction for user sign-in. Once an account is created, users can create, cross-off and delete items from their to-do list!

answering prompt with silly shiba

Shiba Mood Ring

Who doesn't love a good mood ring? See which shiba matches your current mood. It can only go up from here!

Tech Used

HTML, CSS, Javascript
Users type in their emotion and click the "Get Shiba" button. The button triggers a click event to fetch data from the API, and the data (in this case, a picture) is placed in the DOM.

results of using random-fact-generator, fact displayed

Random Fact Generator

This one is pretty self-explanatory but just as much fun.

Tech Used

HTML, CSS, Javascript
Similarly, the "retrieve fact" button triggers a click event to fetch data from the API, and the data (random fact) is sent back and shown to the user. Every click retrieves a new fact!

result of fox button being clicks, fox photo displayed

For Fox Sake

Need something to brighten your day? A cute fox is a click away. (Really... try it.)

Tech Used

HTML, CSS, Javascript
The HTML & CSS is simple and straightforward. There are elements and stylings for containers, headings, and images. The Javascript uses an event listener and fetch request to retrieve the photo and place it in an image container on the DOM.

Get in touch

Ready to connect? Let's chat! Message me below or reach out using your preferred platform of choice.